

Rail Linkはやめるわけではないんだよねぇ。


A newspaper report that Richard Hughes, Abdullah's retainer rider in Britain, has been approached to ride for the Coolmore operation while Kieren Fallon serves his six-month ban for failing a test for cocaine has been scotched by the jockey himself.

Hughes said on Saturday: “I played golf with John Magnier in Barbados recently but there was no talk about horses. It would be a lovely stand in job to have but there has been no approach.”

今の英国でのK Abcullah殿下のお抱えであるRichard Hughes騎手が気になる動き。本人は否定しているものの、K Fallon騎手のいない6ヶ月間の騎乗の話でJ Magnier氏と接触を持ったっぽいという話。んー、どうなんだろうねぇ。これがうまくいけばFallonの後釜になるかもしれんということかしら。

それよりも最近ゴルフしたBarbadosのゴルフコースってのがThe Green Monkeyだったりしたら面白かったり。